How many ceremonies should I have with Ayahuasca?
Our focus is deep healing on all levels – emotional, mental and spiritual and where feasible – physical (depending on what needs to be treated). We work with a high number of healers and facilitators per guest, to ensure each person has considerable personal attention during their time with us. Fundamental to the healing process in our workshops at the Santuaro Huishtin is a high number of ceremonies to ensure that each guest has the opportunity to work very deeply with Ayahuasca and to ensure that our healers and the plants have sufficient time with each guest to carry out their work. The process is deep and we are committed to effecting lasting change to our guests.
Our work goes much further than just offering an experience with Ayahuasca. Our priority is to firstly identify and diagnose the energetic imbalances, where negative energies have taken hold in our guests, and then over the duration of the workshop, we work closely with each guest to cleanse them of these dense energies that hold them back in their life. Working with the plants takes time and it is crucial that every person who comes to the Santuario Huishtin receives a certain level of healing. As well as cleansing and purifying the bodies of our guests of the immediate heavy energies, the icaros that are given to our guests are in effect “seeds of change” that are planted into their system which then grow over time offering guidance and support on the unfolding healing journey. Healing during a workshop is really the beginning of a much longer process that is affected in “plant time,” not human time.
A workshop at the Santuario Huishtin is an intense experience where guests face their shadow selves and are helped to be able to identify where the root of the negative energy they carry stems from. We work to deep clean traumas, suppressed emotional problems, negative behavioral patterns and mental programs that are not conducive to a peaceful, joyous and connected existence. We help people to rid themselves of a lifetime of energetic issues in order to connect to their true nature, build right relationships with people around them and fundamentally to establish more respect and compassion for the world around us.
This process cannot be effectively carried out over a shorter number of ceremonies. It follows a path / course where the first ceremony is to get to know the medicine, for the medicine to get to know the guests and for the healers to diagnose where the negative energies are held. The middle ceremonies are where we carry out the deep clean and the final ceremony is where we then seal the work we have carried out with “arkanas” to ensure that the ikaros that have been placed into the systems of the guests are protected for the longer term. In addition to the ceremonies, we work throughout the day with many other healing methods such as floral baths (to clean off the energies that are coming out), a steam bath at the beginning of the workshop (to clean the skin from impurities and some energies), vomitivos (to rid the stomach of toxins / some dense energies / worries, etc), plant remedies (we prescribe specific plants to guests subject to their healing requirements), energy massages (to move and release blocked energies), as well as sometimes working with ikaros (plant energy in the form of song), chupar (sucking energies), soplaring (blowing plant medicine into the guests systems) in every ceremony, or as needed during the day.