Is Ayahuasca right for me?
Ayahuasca works in a unique way with every person depending on the healing that he or she needs to have done. This healing can be physical, emotional or spiritual and the medicine addresses any energetic blockages we have in our bodies to resolve these.
The indigenous healers believe that all western illnesses are really just symptoms of spiritual or energetic imbalances. The healers, working together with ayahuasca, have been shown to have great benefits in helping to alleviate a variety of conditions because it addresses the energetic patterns that underlie them rather than the specific symptoms. However, because individual circumstances vary so much, it is impossible to predict the depth and degree of healing. Certainly the deeper and more serious/chronic the condition, the more time would be needed to address it.
While the Santuario Huishtin is a traditional Amazonian plant medicine healing center, we make no specific claims regarding the efficacy in treating any particular medical disease as defined by Western medical standards. Any medical illness should be assessed by a qualified medical professional. In working with Ayahuasca at the Santuario Huishtin, there are no guarantees that any certain level of healing will be achieved or any cure for a condition obtained.